everyone is just as important
just as special

troubles come when we forget all the other important people, why assume your importance is more important than others importance
who’s truth do you follow, is it just yours
did someone give it to you when you were little
did you buy it in a newsagents
watch on a telly
read it on social media
watched it stream into your eyes, and bask in the steamy glow of tick tocking
maybe you’re more of a boxsetter
trendsetting in boxsetting

ever watched your mind
if you do, you’re usually someone who watches their mouths too
freedom of speech is also freedom to think about what you’re saying
you don’t need my answers, you can wait

you still think there’s such a thing as an illegal asylum seeker, no asylum seeker is a criminal because of their asylum status
they might be a criminal for some other reason, like an exiled dictator from a country recovering from fascist mass delusion
how can we believe anything from someone if they have a school report indicating they’re lazy and duplicitous
someone who has been fired for lying twice

party with your rich foreign sponsor
manage to get into government, become foreign secretary
manage to become prime minister, filling a cabinet with the worst character traits humanity has to offer
don’t sound good does it, not anyone’s dream of a happy life, what if it effected your child’s future
what if it’s your great grand child’s future
they’re so deluded that they actually believe they’re some kind of king of the world

what if I believe in myself so much that I actually believe everyone else must know too
so the only reason anyone would depose me is if they were jealous and devious adversaries that need to be stopped, because I’m more important than them
that’s a narcissist, sociopathic too, possibly psychopathic, will stop at nothing
still they’re not the only one to blame, an old prime minister helped put a psychopath in charge of the biggest nuclear power on earth
war criminals will not be forgotten pmtb, wars of aggression are still illegal if their legal basis proved to be wrong

anyway, modern humans are easily manipulated, abandoning virtue and morality because a rich narcissist promised them some scraps from their bloodsodden table
do you think that an action has no consequences
do you think that cruel actions will make your future happy
do you think dehumanisation will make you a better human
do you believe the rich man gets a free pass to heaven because they’re rich
heaven is a place on earth
I suppose it is for the rich, but if this is true most of earth is a hellscape in the making for the enslaved poor

are you a millionaire
are you a billionaire
well done for all the hard work you’ve done, well done, well done
like an overcooked slice of flesh, all your hard work ends as a hard pushed turd
what you work for, yourself, your family, your country, the good of all
sorry to say, unless you’re a millionaire or billionaire, then as long as you keep eating their shite you’re their slave
they convert your labour into profit, and pay you less than you’re worth
ffs why, what can we do about it
settle your minds in peace, the liars, the enslavers, the entitled, the leaders motivations are obvious, keep power whatever the cost to the people
they’ll look out of place in your peaceful world, they will be ignored naturally
they disappear gradually from your peaceful world
your world is not created by anyone else, your world is yours, take responsibility for it

if your government gives you the freedom to decide who leads then they’re there because you want them there
I would rather die from a world of immoral leaders, and I will die from this world
how do you blackmail those that have abandoned what you think is important
how do you make a slave work when they’ve been given the cyanide to end it
I choose death from your world, meta or not, it’s not an act of spite, it’s an act of sanity, that’s the insanity the world

I’m disabled, I’m tired, I’m dying
and I welcome this realisation for the peace it will bring for me
for my child I stay with whatever energy is left
it’s all I can do, but I can’t change my view on this, this world has made it clear where it wants to go, and my body and mind simply refuse to follow
drag my dead body to your future if you wish, but I will no longer be there
speak about the memory of us with contempt, the dead no longer hurt

– Scia Vetala, 2022