mainstream media is just a self-view reinforcing mirror of it’s supporters, the readers and viewers of newspapers and broadcasters
while it’s this, it’s meaningless to me

come to me and tell me with all your heart that you believe in the stuff you read without questioning it
I am right therefore I must be right
why am I right
I’m wrong because I tell you you’re wrong
like children in a playground, grown ups only from now on, the cult of childhood is being ended by the ruling classes
they can’t stand the fact that those that are different from them are allowed to have childhoods

childhoods are for humans not animals
enjoy your roast dinner, with British lamb
I’m right only a small amount of the time, usually when everything goes quiet, bar the sound of the mains powered electrical appliances, it’s deafening to my autistic ears
I’m a bit of a slasher-phobe though, so I prefer to focus on defence rather than offense
I remember adverts for British lamb
we farm sheep for wool
we also eat their babies

think about it, think, I mean WTAF
humans have assumed they are predators, but they have a choice, that’s free will, the strongest animals are vegetarians, just saying

across the fan board all this shz is too much
slow it down, calm it down for a while, celebrate when we finally win
the game is to work out which view is correct before the time runs out
geological scale clocks are ticking faster
do we continue supporting a system that is actively destroying our biome
do we choose to cherish life
do we choose to apply it to all life

to sustain and maintain the status quo should start with the one we live in
I want to uphold tradition, I choose the tradition of ecological democratic socialism
it’s aims must be to maintain the natural balance with the same kindness the earth grants us just to live here
earth is far more powerful than any weapons we have
even if we let off every explosive, no matter how ridiculously powerful it is, at the same time
earth will still be here, whizzing like a mad marble gravitationally rollercoasting through spacetime
life will still be here, probably a bit simpler than before, but still evolving into something else

white people are white cause they need to absorb more sunlight for vitamin d production
hardly a basis for superiority thinking
white is just superior in the west, a different superior exists to the east
the north and south seem to have vanished, it’s all just an invention for the purposes of control
I bow to no one by command, decree or by force

I bow within constantly to the enlightened mind, so whether my body bows or not is irrelevant to me
it can never be forced because if seeing my body physically bow to something is all that’s required to get them to f**k off then my body would appear to do it
my body is only relevant as a vehicle to benefit others
my mind is a tool that no one sees
chess is not a game to some, some view it as a tactical training method
out manoeuvre your opponent
what if there is no opponent worth fighting than our own delusions
then peace is my weapon of choice

I pray that I will die in that peace
I pray that my child goes on to have a long and happy life
I pray your child experiences the same
I pray we all do

Anon, n.d., Anon, [sprang from a sprung loaded rung that bangs on the bong of a jolly good pong], Anon: Anon