democracy serves society not the government
policing serves society not the government
armed forces serve society not the government
society is the 99% that are not obscenely rich
take a look at your bank balance
take a look at what you have for serving the 1%
is it fair that you work all those hours
is it fair that you get so little in return
this is not serving society
how can we change
start with finding your own peace of mind
then just be an example of compassion, love and kindness
anger has only served to create more hatred
hatred has only led to more suffering
we all suffer
money, wealth and prosperity had never brought anything other than more narcissistic self serving behaviour
if you are rich please support and share the generosity that was the cause of your own great wealth
tell us all how you became a billionaire
if it serves society then society needs to know how to become a billionaire
but this is a matter for the concept of individual conscience
Anon, n.d., Anon, [scrawled on the withered heart of a long dead mummified leader as a reminder], Anon: Anon