a rich entitled person grows up to be dangerous deluded demagogue

demans demands dictatorship
narcissists nastily gnashing
f***s flying like pigs
watch as the gammony Icarus’s bake in the heat of the sun
watch them take all their gold, what use is it to grow food and build homes
diamonds are just hard rocks nothing but imagination grows from

imagination can come from seeing a flower
imagination can come from the clear crystal of a night sky full of nothing and stars
we have been destroying this for nothing more than metal and carbon
we’ve plenty of carbon locked up, let’s keep it that way

when trees that made coal lived, the earth had no ground microbes or fungi, they didn’t rot, they just stayed there and dried out
the earth locked away dangerous levels of carbon for us many millions of years ago
we now release that toxic level of carbon back to the world, earth is in the mood for a change of supreme animal
are we really prepared to abandon the most amazing planet we know of because we destroyed it’s habitats
we’re a force of nature, but also the possessor of that nature

not possible, the possessed cannot by definition be the possessor also, it defines itself and is therefore a circular argument
btw, circular arguments do not further understanding, they only serve to maintain potentially invalid perspectives
what is invalid, am I invalidated because I’m invalided physically by arthritis and mentally exhausted by allistic craziness ruling the world

am I angry about it, where would that get me, more pain through wishing to see more pain
it would be good to live somewhere there was no unnecessary pain for any living beings
this place of supreme peace of mind, for ourselves and others like our families and communities

those that understand the importance of community, are also usually the most disadvantaged by those that seek to divide it
attacking the poor for a narcissist is a never ending task, until the poor are backed into a corner
the saddest part is that the poor are always the majority group under a fascist government

they always start on the foreigners first, this is the greatest majority of people on earth
then they turn on the disabled, encourage racial divisions, rejoice in misogyny, relish the taste of bare-cheeked theft from the weakest, the slap and laughter from the lord and master
is that what Tories are, or are they really slaves to their own lord and master, the King of the World

you worship at the feet of a representation of everything you despise about corrupt government
this is right wing, right
or is it left
is it patriotism
is it protectionism
if so then good, but this government has overbalanced into right-wing lunacy, fascism
don’t joke about sending innocent people to a known dictatorship with human rights violations
don’t even dare to take our human rights

dehumanising the poor, the disabled, the not-white person, foreigner is what narcissists in government do
narcissists will support fascists, and will support death penalties for dissenting
you’re not prepared to be their slave, then stop voting for them, join up and fight back with your vote
I like to keep these conversations quiet, like my pics but the writing is a bit loose
it’s a controlled looseness

anyway, don’t vote for fascists and those that support them, simple really
left, right, center, yellow, green, red, blue, black, white-washed
I hope that I entertain, I write how I speak in my mind, it’s entertaining me, and isn’t that the only thing that matters
the old are dying of illness, cold and hunger thanks to the king of this island
the children are being sacrificed to protect the tyrant
you wish him gone, then vote him away

this is for the true blues, claim back your rights from the one that really stole your children’s future
they deceive you blue, they ain’t really blue, their red, white and black
they ain’t one of you, they’re traitors in your language
we believe in the rule of law, no one including the monarch is above it
shielding the liars, the thieves, the murderers, the excuse of incompetence is starting to look very thin now

it isn’t the radicals that need to take action it’s the sensible folk, the ones that like clear skies and the sounds of joy with family and friends
maybe a pint or two, but this is just a dream, not at £7 a go it ain’t
bribe the electorate with cheap booze, that’ll get the old chap going, hah
it’d kill me, please refrain from violence, thuggery is not a good look on sensible folk

radicals are absolutely necessary, they’re visionaries, right or wrong they like to create stuff
why do the Brits dislike the arts, who told us we couldn’t like art
we like music, that’s an art form
we like comedy, that can be an art form
we like photos, that’s sometimes said to be art, at least that’s what I say
what’s art, wtaf, idk

just remember there are exports worth getting rid of, like the stuff QVs lot stole from invaded countries
maybe we could export some people too, like the ones that really caused the mess, the rich men back to their benefactors lands
send them home, they invaded us long ago and are still trying to “King John” the lot of us
come on land barons where are you, come send a real message to the pretender to the throne, you’ve got a treaty, remember
boot the pm out of office, out of the city, and maybe he might just decide to boot himself out of the country
he won’t be alone, he’s got a few friends he needs to take with him, they’re not welcome either
they’re possessed by the possessor, they’re destroying the very ground that feeds them, the water that hydrates their spirits, gives them someone to rule over

they’re idiots at best, morons sounds good too, but criminals sounds more accurate
there’re a few honours that need to be rescinded your majesty
there’s the matter of embezzling tax money from the treasury that needs to be clarified
there’s just so much stuff to choose from, I honestly don’t think any of us have enough years to prosecute every single one
oh but wouldn’t it be glorious to witness a right wrongun getting their comeuppance

maybe we could just concentrate on the biggest one, the lying, the partying while families were suffering great loss, apologies are insufficient a penance fool
you go now, the blues are after your head, would you attack your own army, foolish beyond belief

– Scia Vetala, 2022