I’m an old 73er, I remember the Commodores, the Tangerines, the Dragons, the Acorns, the eight bits and my person favourites, the Sinclairs
they weren’t the best hardware, graphics, memory, or cheapest
they were the best balanced for the time, capable of way more than their inventor intended
so much so it even spawned a next generation in the 20s, and endorsed by IP
the Acorn RISC architecture based ARM processors
another great machine for schools, priced out of range of most consumers, but it was an amazingly versatile machine
the old BBC Micro was a monolith of a metal slab, could probably withstand a roof falling on it, and it’s innovation was all in the tubes
virtualise the tubes into a single processing chip, chain them together, up and down the tubes
if you’re on a mobile phone right now you’re on ARM architecture (most likely)
well done Acorn, well done BBC for helping make a British invention globally successful
the Romans gave us roads, the British gave us ARM processors (cuz they sold the rights to everyone else, we invent it, we sell it, others make way more money with it, disaster capitalism (sic))
they cause the disasters, the disaster capitalists, because capitalism rules most of the world
it serves only to make money for people with money, and has absolutely no conscience regarding how that money is made
kick me out the temple, if you wish, but you will fail if my temple is kicked, the temple isn’t a physical place you go to, look to the peaceful minds
I believe in the human right to peace, if humanity wishes to challenge this then I will surely die at your hands
wake up, see what is happening around you, the bigger picture is your family picture, your descendants
respect for our ancestors must be balanced by respect for our descendants
the earth will be ruined by disaster capitalists who think they’ll be the only survivers, no one survives this, this is wanton destruction of all our biomes, please search for peace now, times up
if freedom meant consideration for our own future, would we be so flippant about environmental destruction
what if our future is still tied to this universe, somehow grasping at it like it was really there, instead of being something that used to be somewhere
the paradox is not paradoxical once the rules are understood
listen to others, they’re suffering
listen to ourselves, we’re suffering
find a lamp to follow, the one carried by the {insert supreme being/teacher/guide/expert here}
listen to others, they’re your world, they cannot be ignored
they may be starving soon, starved by the deliberate ignorance of selfish minds; anger and hatred
Switch to this type of sentence,
Will I infact mean an elephance?
What a stupid fantasy cuntery (sic),
The vision of being a country prick.
I'll start this again, this time normal
look mar no punctuation, popsicle
did I do it again, he did, he did
guess what, I'm confused now
anyway, enough of this nonsense, I liked the Commodore Amiga as well
the look of the Atari range is worth a ganders, the ST was a really trekkie thing to behold
the extreme tedium of the Camputers range, a very lonely range, very grey and yellowing slowly somewhere
the Camputers Lynx sulks in the darkest corners of the retrocomputing world, a grey brick that was actually quite capable itself, but it’s the way to the dark side
next you’ll be looking for a Memotech as used in the film Weird Science, it’s a magnificent beast, truly capable of communicating with super computers, because it reckoned itself, WOPR (War Games)
the boring business computer, ooo let’s play chess where everything looks like a green capital letter on a black screen
that little Intel 80186, how it did grow, but it’s looking like it might struggle against the might of the ARM processors
the Intels and AMDs are still the best gaming architecture available, they just is, check your blackboxes, they’re in your ps or xb
anyway, give me buttons, a controller, a mouse and a non-touch screen, thanks
– Whooda Thunkit, Labouring (sic) in Westminster (v.sic), 2022