in the dark recesses of British history are horrors that the British are not taught about
state sanctioned racism, sexism, misogyny, slavery, genocide, some completed some did not not, but were attempted
all state sanctioned
every nation that was once an empire has the same appalling stories of terror and evil actions
to ignore it denies the darkness of our present
we may not have committed them ourselves, but we must bare witness to our past and be living examples of a people who know what their ancestors did
when our ancestors committed such acts they believed they were right as much as we believe we are right
this is nonsensical, knowing now what we didn’t know then is not an excuse to ignore it
know your ancestors
we are the products of their labours
their deference to a past that no longer carries validity
the fact empire is dying is a good thing
empires are colonialism
colonialism is a product of unregulated capitalism
once the people of an empire realise it was wrong is usually slightly too late
we must not divide ourselves
respect each others truths
this is the peaceful path
not even the rich are excluded in proportionally representative democratic socialism which uses capitalism for societal benefit
in this construct tax is preventive measure
it is used to benefit those that need it the most
guess what, those that need it the least are also the richest
so even in a socialist democracy there is room to make plenty of money
taking wealth from the poor disproportionately more than the rich is a confusing concept
if I was a medic on a battlefield and I am equally able to help either a fallen soldier shouting or the quiet one?
if the well nurished person asks for the last bit of pie, while the starving person asks the same, who do you help?
if the bullied is on the floor being kicked, do you join in the kicking, or do you find a way to stop it?
wealth is essentially a share of resources
is it fair that someone who works no harder than me can have over a thousand times more resources than me just because…
there are many reasons given
none are the truth to anyone but the one who says so
if you define me I define you
your face makes me happy when it’s really human hormones firing off
is it right to see myself as human when it’s not how I wish to be
I don’t feel like the organic product of a long evolutionary cycle
but in one way I am
what am I in other ways
what if they’re more important
if death meant eternal paradise would you not look forward to death?
if life was shit and you were told that as long as you don’t kill yourself you’ll go to paradise if you believe in what someone else says
you might take that offer
this is what politicians that will resort to perverting religion to gain power do
anyone who truly understands the essence of where good fortune comes from will be uninterested in power or followers
sometimes just being an authentic example of what you hold dear is enough to change the world you experience
what do we all hold dear, our lives, family, friends, jobs, country, the environment and ecosystem
all temporary
so why hold on so hard to something that was never going to last
there’s a truth that is unchanging in this
all phenomena are impermanent
Anon, n.d., Anon, [on a ruler that was balancing on the edge of a knife held in the grasp of a mind that believes things really exist in some kind of independent state], Anon: Anon