all that doesn’t agree with those who crave power are told to us as the demons of society, the poor, the disabled, the foreign, the compassionate

take a political activist that campaigns against racism and apartheid, and make them look like racists and in favour of antisemitism
it’s only those that craved power that did this, not the people, they turned us against each other
just give up the sides and realise this is not the way
what do we really want from life
happiness and no suffering

so why do we support causing suffering to others through sacrificing our happiness to it
every angry thought directed by gossip to hate and hurt
if this is your behaviour, then this is your wish coming true
change our behaviour by studying peace, our world will start to become more peaceful

this isn’t a message to the poor, it’s for the rich
the poor don’t have the time to party, they were busy surviving
at this moment there are thousands of people dying every week of COVID-19
the prime minister has been found to have broken the law that he helped create, lied about it repeatedly, and is still lying and avoiding the issue
am I baiting the gammons, why would I do this, the gammons aren’t my enemy, the ridiculously rich are

the moguls, the oligarchs, the autocrats, the klepocrats, the dictators, their demons and their real masters
their real master’s mentality is twisted, distorted, selfish, dehumanising, cruel, malicious, narcissistic, popularist, manipulative, sociopathic, and doomed
eventually this mind only leads to one place, hell
what the hell, we don’t believe in hell, we’re scientific

scientific means respecting scientists, highly trained experts in their field, proven methods at getting results
so is this what we really believe in, we don’t pick up a newspaper because it’s headlines are click bait
they tell the truth that we want to hear, not the truth as most want to experience
they peddle pain, misery, disaster, hatred, war, nationalism as patriotism, patriotism as paramount, country before family, sacrifice that which you hold dear to ensure that our freedoms remain, distorted freedom

we do this at the expense of people’s lives, here and abroad
we tolerate our leaders condoning and encouraging weapon sales to people who use them to kill people that have no human rights, because they said so
these are the things that my grandfathers fought against in world war 2, yes I’m old enough to have known people who remembered this darkness
they were truly noble, they helped create the NHS, they supported socialist systems

they made my parents lives comfortable and prosperous, their socialism did this
am I a socialist, I’m a Buddhist, socialism simply matches many of the basic aspects of respect for others
others include every living being, without exception, this is more than socialism

I would encourage reading a little of Buddha’s teachings, it’s reach is remarkably accessible
it’s an ideal, but isn’t that what religion is about, why follow it if it’s not
but it’s a journey of questions, some are not comfortable to answer, some are wished away by distraction, all are our reality
we believe in this or that, but we choose to ignore questions that really answer why are we not happy
searching for peace is a joyful journey, this is a peaceful journey, why keep holding on for the blossom to grow

the light to become brighter, the days longer, the enjoyment to increase, spring is here
craving after that which will come naturally, summer days
the oven readied sunlit uplands of Avalon, tastes like Sunday roast

I am enjoying the vegan Sunday roast, I mainly like the potatoes, always have, but I’ll eat the meat if you insist, I just don’t know what animal I might stop at if I started, skinwalker
Scia Vetala, 2022