the inanimate object,
every living being.
without any judgement
on the first of our curses,
the root delusion,
our worldly verses.
our lives are paths
created by our past,
the actions we commit
out of spite, hate and spit,
the terrors of harm
we hammer down their arms,
comes back many fold
to push us back down.
forever desiring the impossible,
while convinced we’re just nominal.
imagine a place,
maybe in space,
maybe on the beach,
just a place of peace.
where is the hate?
where is the anger?
there’s little doubt,
debate the wisdom
that says that “I wish to be happy”,
pleading for peaceful prayers
to bless our tears,
and wash us with happiness.
judge all we want,
the effect will come,
whether we want it or not.
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