when a traditionally cis-man male heteroflexible character is suddenly changed into a cis-woman who is homoflexible the world takes notice

those women again, always doing stuff
like mothering, friending, loving and caring, and sometimes not at all
I want a world of peace and cooperation, some people want the opposite, who’s right
be careful believing you are right, I will strive to do the same
hate makes no sense
what do you want, to be happy
to be safe and secure
to belong

or believe you’re right
I’m right and still get attacked by people who don’t understand what I’m saying
dog forbid that I should express my opinion
is that freedom of speech
I’d rather be left behind by the suffering, I’d rather just move to the peace now
mind is all we have to take with us at the end, and even our perception of it deteriorates eventually
back to the beginning again, and so the loop goes on, a quantum stability in the fabric of spacetime

hah, why fabric, I can’t wear it or stuff it full of fluff and sit on it
it is us, spacetime is a fundamentally probable outcome from our physical form
we are spacetime, spacetime is us
hah, sounding like a f***ing hippy now, try me with a bit more brooding punk and it’d be closer to the mark
I remember people with spikey coloured hair, I was probably only about 5
very striking to a 5 year old autistic with spiritually rebellious tendencies
anyway, enough of me, what was all this about
oh yeah, they don’t like Dr Who because they secretly hated a women playing the part, but the final straw was that the Doctor was once a black woman, yeah misogynistic racists right

Anon, n.d., Anon, [punk jam sandwiches and 70s salt socialist crisps and a new wave of antifascist chocolate wafer bar down with pork marketing rightwingers], Anon: Anon