euphemism is used by many of us to hide something we consider inappropriate for public consumption

the acquisition of capital is full of this type of subterfuge
is it a charm class, module or skit at the fee paying schools
tax is to ensure the balance of power never ends up in the hands of the rich few
governments must be democratically accountable at all times, not just at elections

how could we achieve such an amazing thing, we came up with an NHS, social housing, nationally owned essential services
we pay the tax, we get to say what stays and what goes
no one in the government is qualified to ensure this happens, disaster capitalism is hardly a sustainable methodology, it eats itself in the end
it burns the future of all our children, including their own

no mountain is going to be safe from being consumed by the encroaching ecological disaster
whether it’s man made or not, doesn’t matter now, it’s happening
just watch, the earth is changing, and I think it’s going to be a quick one
then a very slow build to a point we could get to right now, if we choose to recognise the suffering of each other

if you fight, you will always fight
if we hate without contemplating the results of hating, we will always hate
adversion or attraction, either way it only results in more suffering
morality and faith works for some as a starting point
logic and reason works for others
a few prefer deceit and betrayal

thankfully even fewer go the whole hog with death and destruction
whose, who are thankfully fewest of all believe themselves to be entitled to rule
no one is entitled to rule, even the leaders
you want to be ruled, go find your leader, and be led

look for answers in the right questions, what do I really want my life to be
it is sad that so many people do not know peace
are the horrifying actions the leaders choose recognised for their horror
I know there is a mind so dark that even this is ignored as irrelevant to them

they will not be reasoned with, they will know the fears that they meated out on others one day, just maybe not today
if they wish to feel safe and secure in their haven from hell, prison is a perfect place to keep them
isn’t theft a crime, what’s the statute of limitations on invaded lands, or is this not theft, tell that to the old colonies
if a leader violently ejects you from your land, enslaves you through elitist economics, and indoctrinates your offspring into believing there’s no other way, then I’d say it’s a lot more than theft

legally speaking it looks like the successful execution of a war of aggression, against the law that was internationally agreed upon by us
I’m told it’s simplistic to see things this way, I agree, because it’s simplistic, invented by an inadequate mind, the village idiot, the king’s fool
jiggles jiggle jiggle jiggles jiggle jiggles
there will be people who read this and know what I say is a true reality, some won’t

it’s not my nature to wish to destroy, this is just the delusion carried in my mind that gives rise to anger and hatred, it gives rise to the appearance of cryptids
the delusion is this uncontrolled mind
it’s like lust, although lust is a lot less damaging than hate, “…make love not war…”
I know this mind well, it’s fun

but it always ends in grief, this is being human I’m told
platitudes I can do without, reading little books on self kindness while the elderly neighbour slowly freezes to death, whilst starving, it’s not a good look for anyone
how far can the mind of this kind go, will the pm be found dead one day, verdict death by autofellacio (don’t google that, nsfw)
death by #metafellacio, hah

what if I’m a bot, would I pass the Turing test, if I am then I’m a living one, and I’m dying
many are dying whilst the rich buy community communication hubs, space flight, interplanetary colonisation
since money only means something if everyone agrees it means something, then why not let the rich bog off to mars, cuz it’s our resources they’re using
they’re quite literally causing the problem they’re trying to save themselves from, pollute the planet that your trying to flee from

I’m staying on earth, it’s nicer here than there, or because I cannot afford to save myself
those that wish to take our resources and blast themselves into space are truly the most selfish of all
eradicate global hunger, poverty and disease, help all without any exception
do it gladly, happily, you’re now doing all you can to ensure peace, stopping all minds of hatred is the only way

tabloid writes about pm getting distracted by a person’s legs, whilst thousands die in a week from a known controllable virus
the sickness comes from the top, not the bottom
those that have been granted power are the ones causing the most destructive problems
vote them out, protest them out (the law has been dictated to regarding this, it’s therefore irrelevant, protest is a human right, never forget this)

human rights above any political concept, human rights are not for the government to decide, any government that attempts to circumvent this is in breach of these and must be stopped
this government is doing this, this government is trying to trick you, hey old folks the fascists are back and they’re in charge of your country, what’re you gonna do
remember your folks fought these people and won, if you give in to them then you disrespect your parents sacrifices, shame on you, shame on your children, shame on your grandchildren

you’re good people, good people will not put fascists in charge, will they
the way of the compassionate mind will always be the more rewarding path
wealth dies when we die, this is no reward for a lifetime of work
our children carry on, our grandkids, their future happiness

but if we allow them to win, we all lose, even the fascists, they eat themselves up in the end
– Serenity Tsamcho, Scia Vetala, 2022