what is an electron
why should they be all identical
if they are all just the same electron bouncing backwards and forwards in time
so positrons are just that electron on it’s way backwards
why ain’t there more positrons
also what is the edge this electron is bouncing against
the edges of time
the edges of space
the point at which spacetime becomes time and space
the final rip at the end of many interim stages in the life of this universe
back to a point where it is impossible to know anything before it due to the inflationary period of the universe
nothing can escape that is of this universe
not even light
maybe the universe shares similarities to blackholes
what if you looked into a blackhole and all you saw was your own face staring back for eternity
sounds like hell to me
but if you want to see just how bad it can get then by all means sit back and watch
sit back and consume
sit back and judge
sit back and troll
sit back and die
sit back and rot
sit back and disappear forever
sounds like hell to me
advise against extremist thinking
viewpoints are not binary systems
yinyang is not what empirialist translators translated
night and day
moon and sun
earth and sky
heaven and hell
good and bad
exciting and boring
reality is more nebulous
thoughts are like clouds
to the heart mind I returns to it’s emptiness
Anon, n.d., Anon, [carved on an ancient rockface in a language everyone could understand if they wanted to], Anon: Anon